Tuesday 8 May 2007

"Big Ideas come out of Big Pencils"


"Big Ideas come out of Big Pencils"

I came across this website and thought it was a fantastic different way to create user involvement in a company's portfolio. As the user moves across the screen to find the portfolio work the pencil leaves an impression on the screen so the longer the user stays on the website the busier it gets.

The whole idea of making the website more interactive engages the user and differentiates itself from its competitors. The challenge for companies now it seems is to create a website that offers much more and keeps you interested, I think this website succeeds in doing this. The sight was even recognised in the D&AD Awards, http://www.dandad.org/awards06/entry.asp?entry_id=4116

The website itself on first impression reminds me of the interactive nature of the "Mercedes Benz A to S Website" that was awarded a place in the Creative Review Anthology 2007.

1 comment:

dan f said...

I came across the same website yesterday; completely agree with what you are saying...the website is very unique and an excellent way to differentiate themselves from their competitors. The website is also FUN!!!
(well, i had alot of fun!)