Sunday 8 July 2007

Faldo launches new brand

British golfer Nick Faldo is launching a new brand created by Yorkshire design group, Island Earth Creative.

Designed by Island Earth founder Gary Millard, the brand identity is set to appear on a range of sports items from clothing to golf clubs and on-site signage at luxury sports club venues.

Millard says the work is designed to achieve recognition outside the world of golf, ‘drawing together the wide variety of business interests operating under the Faldo name, with a distinctive and uniting image’.

‘It has been great working on such a well known global brand,’ adds Millard.

‘The Faldo name is associated not just with golf clothing but also a series of teaching academies, golf course design and the Faldo Series tournaments which provide an opportunity to identify and nurture the next generation of young golfers,’ Millard says.

‘We believe that the creative solution we have provided will stand the test of time and provide strong, recognisable reference for the Nick Faldo brand wherever it appears.’

I like the identity for Faldo's company but I on first look I can't see where the design has come from. OK so the white circle represents a golf ball but I can't see how the 6 shape represents Faldo. I would have thought that the design would incorporate Faldo's initials or something similar but the designers have decided to avoid this it seems. Perhaps the shape is more to suggest the coming together of Faldo's companies as a whole brand rather than focusing on the man himself?
As an identity though I guess is works!


Samuel Perez said...

Anthony... just thought i'd try and help you with your pickle... maybe the blue shape represents the motion of a golf swing? Just my take on what i thought was quite an ambiguous ident. as well.

Anthony Smith said...

That's a good shout Sam. Now with that in mind when i look at the ident its the first thing i think of.