Sunday 19 August 2007

Carlsberg Ambient Campaign

This ambient media from Carlsberg continues their long running 'probably' campaign. Carlberg distributed £5000 worth of £10 and £20 notes around London with this removable sticker on. A costly campaign on face value but probably cheaper than running another advert and instead of being a fantasy like many of the other adverts this was for real, suddenly Carlsberg were making "probably the best litter in the world".


Heidi said...

I really like their campaign. It is a theme that could be used again and again but not get boring. There are not that many concepts around that have as much staying power. I think their ideas are original and witty, making them successful campaigns. I also think they know their market well. I would love to see what other ideas they have u their sleeve!

Laura Slater said...

Are Carlsberg ever going to run out of ideas using this theme?! Definately a brand with a truly great and individual image. Why wasn't I in London when these were lying around!

James & Joe said...

We were just talking about this the other day, what a random find..
Why has the blogging stopped mate, cant wait to get back to doing a presentation this friday, we cant make it so are gonna send a 500 word report instead... would have been good to come say hi to everyone..