Tuesday 26 August 2008

Chip Shop Awards 2008

The winners have been announced for this year's Chip Shop Awards and I believe it is one of the best years yet for the awards. This could be down to the increasing popularity of the awards or maybe it is just a good year for the designers.

The full collection of award winners is available at http://www.chipshopawards.com/nominations but here are a few of my favourites...

Winner of the Chairman's Award
For me this typifies the style of design I aspire to produce, simple but brilliant. It's the type of design that makes you think...how did I not think of that?! As aspiring designers I think most designs should pose this question.


Best Charity Advertisement

A very beautifully clean way of approaching the subject of blood donation.


Best Use of Bad Taste

OK so these are really un-pc but they did exactly what the designers wanted them to do, make people laugh! The funny thing about the Shannon bed one is conversations that took place at the time of her discovery within our creative department at work which completely revolved around similar jokes...if only we'd took the decision to mock some of them up!


Best Ambient Media

This for me is brilliant just for the fact that the designer here has probably seen this place and thought to himself/herself that they can use this for this very type of advert. It is the ability to gage situations and environments that can make someone a good photographer and from which good design develops.


Reject of the Year

Now this personally is up there with the best this year. This could be due to the fact that in my time at HuetAminto in Manchester we had the Wembley Stadium account and so it is a brand that I hold in high regard. Another simple idea however that is just brilliantly executed. My only question would be that it could be too clever for it's intended audience.

1 comment:

dannyboy said...

I'm a big fan of the Chip Shop awards, I really like the way that they champion clever and fun ideas, where someone has looked at something compleatly differenlty to everybody else (such as the driving school advert) to produce the sort of advert that makes you smile.

However, is it just me, but I dont get the Ikea one - please explain it!