Thursday 21 August 2008


I've mentioned the madness of the Superlambananas in response to Francesca's post on the Elephant's dotted around Norwich city centre.

Next week marks the end of the Superlambanana's invasion of Liverpool's streets. At that point they will all be auctioned off for charity. The link here is for the official site of the Superlambananas where you can download the trails and try and get your picture taken with 120 of them...quite a task however as there are Superlambananas as far away from Liverpool as Mael Famau mountain in Wales and even London!

The whole scheme has actually brought a lot of fun to the city and when I was home this weekend there were families following the trail and getting there pictures taken with them. It really is a scheme that has got everyone involved and made everyone intrigued as to where they are all hidden.

All in all a lot of publicity for a sculpture first created by Japanese artist Taro Chiezo for the Arts Transpenine in 1998. Ten years on and it's still going strong in Liverpool.


Beccie Deighton said...

I may be totally wrong here and just seen these out and about in Liverpool when I visited in June... But I am 95% sure it wasn't Liverpool, but Lanzarote where I spotted these wonderful creatures!! Did you see them when you were there, Anthony?? I'm probably getting mixed up - Liverpool and Lanzarote are very similar!!

Joseph Keirs said...
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Joseph Keirs said...

Amazing! I hear in Bath they have pigs everywhere

dannyboy said...

And there's that beach where there's lots of cast iron guys stood around - people keep dressing them up.

Imagine if you went out, got abit tipsey then woke up with one in your living room the following morning!

Joseph Keirs said...

That would be pretty special, but pretty freaky at the same time

Is there something you're not telling us Danny?!

Anthony Smith said...

Beccie I can't say I did see similar creatures in Lanzarote...probably not the best time for memory though on my lads holiday! And I'm intregued at the comparison between Liverpool and Lanzarote...the only similarity I can see is they both begin with L and they are full of drunken scousers haha.

On the subject of Superlambananas I'm sad to announce that they have gone now and are in the process of being auctioned for charity...long live the Superlambananas!!!

Anthony Smith said...

The statues Danny mentioned are a very cool sculpture based project on the north west coast...probably placed as far away from students as possible by the sounds of it!