Thursday 28 August 2008

New Guiness Advert

I haven't seen this advert on TV or anything yet but did come across it on the web. Seems a very extreme contrast to Guinness adverts of old. In fact fr me it just doesn't sit with the brand at all. Perhaps this is a time of change for Guinness in an attempt to broaden their market reach. They are market leader by far in their own stout market and perhaps this is an attempt to try and break into the younger lager market sector.


James said...

This so isn't by Guiness. Its funny, but doesn't really tell me anything about Guiness. They spend loads on their ads, no way is this actually made by them, well I'd hope not. I recon it was made for something like the chipshop awards..

Anthony Smith said...

I have to agree with you James. As I mentioned the advert itself just does not fit with the Guinness brand. After years building a brand image it would be a shock to see the company change it's adverts for a style that OK may get a few laughs but effectively renders all the hard work of the past obsolete.