Tuesday 2 September 2008

Flat Pack Mick

I read Fran's article on business cards and it took me back to this piece which I vote as my favourite business card design ever...well more like stationary.

Elmwood in Leeds designed this piece for a handy man called Mick who said that as part of his service he would put together people's flat pack furniture for them. He became known as Flat Pack Mick.

The concept is simple but brilliant...His stationary was printed on a4 wood effect stock. In it's A4 state it was his letterhead. With the addition of two perforations it changed. By tearing down the first perforation you had his compliments slip and by tearing down the second perforation you had his business card...how simple is that?!


Below is a link to the London International Awards entry for this piece...


1 comment:

dannyboy said...

Brilliant! Its good to see agencies and designers taking the time to create something really special for their small clients instead of just quickly knocking something out.

I do wonder though if Elmwood came up with the idea first, then went through the yellow pages looking for a flat pack guy they could give it to in order to win an award or if he really came to them. Or am I just been cynical?