Monday 8 September 2008

Bobby's Burger Palace

Now excuse me for being critical but Pentagram, one of the world's greatest companies, designed this...I couldn't believe it! First impressions were not good. To me it looked as if it had been knocked together in Word, and to be fair it could have been, there's not much to it. However I became slightly more relieved when I saw it on packaging, menus and other media.

I'll let them off...don't judge a book by it's cover...


sarahg said...

i saw this on cr-blog and i actually really like it.

classically 'retro', yet contemporary. and it ties in nicely with the interior decor.

but yes, maybe we would expect something a big more inventive from pentagram?

Beccie Deighton said...

I like the concept behind it. But I agree with your comment about Pentagram... maybe it's because it is Pentagram, though, that they've got away with it?? A low-standard agency coming up with a trashy design like this might get a bit of a beating for it. But the simple fact that Pentagram are behind this kind of brings credibility to the place. Otherwise, I'd probably just walk past Bobby's Burger Palace assuming it was another copy-cat Burger King or McDonalds, like Chicken Cottage trying to be KFC!

dannyboy said...

I can see what you mean about the logo not really grabing you untill you see it working as part of the full identity. I'm always being told at work that when I'm working on logo to produce a couple of other peices (even if its just a business card or ad layout) that uses the new identity to show how the whole thing works - I guess this is an example of why we need to do this